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Tate Liverpool, Lithuania and Hull

The Harmonic Oscillator is a project I have been working on in the UK over the last three years. The purpose of the project has been to explore sound in hospital environments and I have been working at Alder Hey Children's hospital in Liverpool, UK. As the final outcomes of the project are all about to be released, we have been invited several places to share the work. First, on June 15, I will be speaking with Clive Parkinson at The National Gallery of Lithuania, mor editors here. Then I will be travelling to the UK to give a Keynote Presentation at the Culture, Health and Wellbeing conference, this is the major international conference for Arts and Health, more details here. And then, it will be to The Tate, Liverpool, where we have been invited to show some of the works in development and also hold a forum and performance event, more details here. Finally we will travel to Hull in the UK to share the project as part of the Sound + Environment conference, more details here.

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